Coach Manalo
Bay Area, CA Based
Fitness and Movement Optimization Coaching
What is Movement Based Strength and Conditioning?
In contrast to the traditional definition of strength and conditioning where improving performance at any cost for a specific sport is the ultimate goal, movement based strength and conditioning approaches performance holistically with improving resiliency of human function and optimizing movement mechanics with the opportunity to specialize in performance in a specific sport. The added side effects to a holistic approach to a movement based strength and conditioning include: improved quality of life, body recomposition, sport performance and being ready for whatever activities one chooses to participate in. Movement based Strength and Conditioning takes the most important variable of all into consideration - the humans current restriction in mobility, ability to stabilize, mindset and understanding of fundamental movement mechanics.
Where does Fitness and Movement Optimization coaching fit into this?
With the central theme of Mana Power Systems being Discover Your Power, Regain Control - fitness and movement optimization becomes the blue print to achieve the overall theme. Currently, everyone has a base level of fitness that is comprised of strength, endurance, cardiovascular and respiratory health, and mobility. Even if one does not feel fit, how you move - how you feel when you wake up - how you feel after walking up a flight of stairs and how you feel throughout the day is your base level of fitness. Where you’re at as of this moment is not entirely bad. Just as you can point out some weaknesses in yourself, there are certain strengths you possess as well. This is where the Mana Power System comes in, during the assessment and screening phase of coaching we will help you understand why you’re strong where you feel strong and why you might not feel as optimized in other areas.
We take your base level of fitness (your strengths) and continue to improve that with our strength and conditioning program catered to your ranges of motion, ability to stabilize and current cardiovascular fitness. Simultaneously, the movement optimization side improves your weaknesses by helping you find dysfunctional patterns and expanding the ranges of motion you need to help you create optimal movement patterns. This will ultimately improve your ability to perform, improve your quality of life, mitigate injury and physically prepares you for movement that might be required for sport - playing with your kids - that obstacle race you’re being pulled into last minute or even running for the shuttle your late for. Discover Power, Regain Control - Coach Matt Manalo